Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What's My Motivation?

I've been finding it difficult to get motivated to get into the gym or workout over the last couple of months. I've tried to run a couple times, but it has always ended with the flaring up knee pain. Without the races and the goals it seems that I am pretty directionless and umotivated. With a new year and a new year of races ahead of me I'm hoping to shake this lack of motivation and get moving again.

The first step is to get my knee healthy again. I have an appointment with a physical therapist next week. I'm hoping I can get some advice on what to do about my knee. I'm hoping it's just a ligament strain and some stretching and such will fix it up. It's had more than 2 months of rest certainly I can get moving again. I hope.

Provided that all goes all well at the physical therapist I have a couple goals for the new year. I will be concentrating on short races of the 5k and 10k variety this year with some bicycle riding to mix things up. So for 2009 my goals are to get that knee healthy, run a sub 19 minute 5k and a sub 40 minute 10k. Other than that my goals are to get into nursing school and update this blog more than the occasional update that has been the case recently.

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