Wednesday, June 04, 2008

School's Out For Summer!

Donut Girl
What better way to celebrate the last day of school
than with some trans-fatty deliciousness!

I can't believe Aiden is done with 1st grade! It only seems like yesterday that it was the first day of school! It only seems a short time earlier that it was the first day of kindergarten! I must be getting old. Isn't that what old people always say? Time is just slipping away. Oh well. I guess it happens. My little girl is getting all growed up.

I talked to her about her last couple of days of school which, according to her, consisted mostly of having a day out at a park or a "field day", a tug of war (her class came in second, so don't mess with her), and other fun and games. I need a last day of school! Funny, it sounds exactly like what some of my friends at work did last week in another department for their spring event. Crazy kids.

Last Day

Recovered from 360:

First Day of 1st Grade


It's the first day of 1st grade! Doesn't seem so long ago it was the first day of kindergarten. Wow! how time flies.

1st Day of Kindergarten
It's the first day of school! 1st Day of School 01

Aiden pretended like she didn't care, because she's just tooooo cool. Image

Okay, so I pretended like I didn't care because I'm soooo cool too. Sniff, sniff, is it dusty in here? Image

1st Day of School 02

Ang and Aiden in the classroom.

Excited about finding her seat and meeting her new classmates!
1st Day of School 03

flower girl After a successful 1st day of school it was time to relax and enjoy the beautiful afternoon.
peacocks gone wild

and the wildlife? A peacock escaped from nearby and shows up in our backyard.

Aiden practices her peacock walk.

peacocks gone wild 02