Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Culinary Adventures: Artichoke Edition

Maybe not so much adventures as a need to stretch our culinary wings a bit. Gina and I were discussing our diets the other day. She came to the conclusion that we eat approximately 4 different meals: chicken and salad, chicken and au gratin potatoes, chicken (mcnuggets) and french fries, and taco night. This is actually made with hamburger to throw something different in the mix. This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not far off. It's easy to get stuck in a dietary rut.

Today I decided we need to break out of the rut and get a little something different. While I was wandering around Fresh Market this morning after work I happened upon some really good looking artichokes. I haven't had artichokes in ages. Steamed artichokes and a simple dipping sauce is the best. I whipped out the handy iPhone with my Epicurious app. and found this recipe for grilled artichokes with sesame dipping sauce. Perfect.

I left the main course up to Fresh Market by picking up some of their delicious bbq chicken kabobs to grill along with the artichokes that I would prepare.

If you're playing along go to the recipe and start cooking now.... and voila!

The photo doesn't really do it justice. It was really good. I wasn't as big a fan of the dipping sauce as Gina, but it was not bad. Here's looking forward to more culinary adventures.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Yum. :)