Sunday, October 04, 2009

Dear Runner's World

Dear Runner's World,

I have a small issue I'd like to address regarding your magazine covers. Why is it that all of your magazine covers appear to be shot at your version of an Olan Mills Photo Studio? Sorry if the reference isn't universal. Google it, you'll see. My point is month after month we get the same glowing hard bodies in the same poses on virtually the identical pristine rural setting. This was brought to my attention once again when a link to the new cover was previewed on Twitter.

How about something different? Maybe this is the ideal running physique we all should be aspiring to and the gear we all wish we could afford, but having it featured every month so unimaginatively is quite frankly boring. Why not feature some of the wonderful runners with interesting stories from the pages of your magazine? Even those Rave Run photos are fantastic!

I know I can't be the only one that loves your magazine, but is growing tired of seeing the magazine show up every month with the young white hard body on the cover in a running pose. There is a class we are required to sit through at work called Diversity Training. Maybe look into it. I see runners of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities on the road everyday...and I live in Cincinnati. You seem to gear toward runners of varying degrees of experience. You want to encorage "newbees". Maybe your covers should reflect your audience and goals.


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