Sunday, July 05, 2009


Two weeks in with the new job and things are going really well. My reservations for going in to mursing school are the following in no particular order:
  1. Going back to school and working full time is going to be hard going, and I'm not a super young dude anymore.
  2. Sciences were never my strongest classes. I'm more of an English and Lit. guy.
  3. I've never been in a job that required patient care before. What if I hate dealing with people in such close proximity?
One of those reservations has been put firmly to rest. I really enjoyed my first two weeks of work. Working with the patients was great and any nerves that I was experiencing during the first day quickly disappeared. Most of the patients are happy to see the PCA's. It makes a big difference to them to stop for a minute and chat. It is something that I will always try to remember. No matter how busy my day is or how tough things are going I am primarily there to help them during their stay.

So, tomorrow begins a new week with a new set of challenges that I'm looking forward to taking on. It's going to be a tough one since I'm facing 3 twelve hour days in a row. It will be so worth it, since on Friday Gina and I will be on the road to Dayton to see our friends John, Willie and Bob.

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