Friday, March 16, 2007

3/15/2007 Medium Recovery Run

For the first time during my training for the Flying Pig I really started to question my motivation during my run. There were a number of different reasons that I was feeling unmotivated and just wanting to scrap the run and go home. The first was the crappy weather: it was cold, windy, cloudy and spitting rain occasionally. I am tired and sore: the accumulating miles are starting to take a toll on my legs, hips and feet. I've got a wart on the bottom of my foot that has been there for a while, and the pounding of all the running is making it hurt. I don't know whether to do something about it now or wait until after the race. Finally I had a notion that scared me a little bit. What if I don't feel like running anymore after this race. I have a lot planned this year, and it feels awfully early to be thinking about burn out.

These thoughts and feeling persisted throughout the run nagging at the back of my mind. I held in there though and finished the run. I guess this is the hard part. This is the part of training that will probably make me or break me. I know if I stick with it I will be better prepared to race later, and hopefully these feelings will pass. With a little over a month and a half until the race there is no way I'm letting up now.

The 45 minute medium recovery run was 5.5 miles at a 8:10 pace.

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