Monday, February 06, 2006

2/06/2006 Bicycling

Check out that sweet new ride! I finally caught a break in the weather today, and I was able to take the Fuji out for the maiden voyage. Well I sort of caught a break. As you can see by the picture there was still snow on the ground. It was sunny and that is all that mattered. I was determined to get out and ride.

It was a great ride. I was a little leary about riding in freezing temps, because it is something I have never really done before. After the initial shock of the cold air to the face and lungs I was able to settle in and it was actually a very enjoyable ride.
A few quick stats: Distance: 20.3 mi Avg: 14.5mph Time: 84 min.

The stats don't really say a whole lot though. I spent the first 3 miles making adjustments and moving very slow to get a feel for the bike and being careful because the road was pretty slick. The next 7 or 8 miles were flat to rolling hills along the river. This was the best part of the ride as I was still in the valley around town and there was very little wind. This changed after a quarter mile climb out of the valley to the "heights". The remaining 10 miles ranged from slightly windy to very windy. While this is usually my favorite part of the ride as it is completely flat and I can stretch out on the aerobars and pound the pedals the wind made it a little uncomfortable, but I have no complaints.

It's only five days until my first race of the year. It's a short race at only 2 miles, but it will be a great gauge of my training up to this point.

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